Investment Profiles
The Investment Profiles are a tool to help focus and respond to investment inquiries, and they can be taken to trade shows, conferences and events to attract investment in tourism, retail, agriculture, remote /virtual workers, and forestry. These industry sectors complement the opportunities cited in the 2021 and Beyond Economic Development Strategy. All new Investment Profiles can be found in a PDF format below or individually in their related sector.
Some of the key investment sectors in 100 Mile House are outlined here.
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Timber harvesting and lumber production are major forestry activities in 100 Mile House. We are home to a West Fraser Mill, a Community Forest, several log home building companies, and numerous privately held woodlots. There are a full range of support industries for the forest sector as well.
The District of 100 Mile House and FLNRO are actively working to attract and support processors of residual fibre. A fibre analysis has been prepared to help detail the biomass opportunities from the processing mill and logging residue.
Click here to see the Non-Sawlog Volume Estimate.
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Agriculture has long been an important industry in the South Cariboo, contributing to the region’s economy, employment, character, and food security.
100 Mile House enjoys a strong local food movement which includes a popular Farmer’s Market, an Agriplex, and a growing market garden culture. We are home to the Little Britches Rodeo and several other rodeo events in the area, including a BC Rodeo Association sanctioned event at the Interlakes Rodeo. Ranching is a key economic activity, and hobby farming is very popular throughout the South Cariboo. There is strong interest in attracting a meat cutting operation in 100 Mile House.
Industrial hemp production and manufacturing are also of interest in 100 Mile House. Considerable research into the viability of this emerging industry has been completed. Since the research stage, the District has been seeking a processor. There is tremendous interest from growers and end-users, so processing and manufacturing are the next step in this industry’s development locally. Our advantage in 100 Mile House? We have a sound knowledge base, with local producers who already have experience.
- District of 100 Mile House Industrial Hemp Pilot Project 2009-2010 Report
- 100 Mile House Industrial Hemp Pilot Project Final Report 2010 - 2011
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Tourism is another significant driver of our local economy. 100 Mile House offers a diverse winter recreation experience, from renowned cross-country and downhill skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling. We also offer summer attractions like fishing, ATVing, horseback riding, and mountain biking. Our many guest ranches and lakeshore resorts are very popular with visitors.
The natural beauty of the area and the close proximity to major recreation markets offers some natural advantages. We are currently supporting marketing around the Gold Rush Snowmobile Trail System, the Historic Cariboo Waggon Road project, Mountain Bike Trail System, an expanding 99 Mile Recreation Area, the Fishing Highway, #ExploreCariboo, Land of Hidden Waters, and other tourism initiatives.
Tourism product development is a high priority for the District of 100 Mile House. Rainy-day activities are especially sought out in town.
For more tourism information, visit the South Cariboo Tourism website.Tourism Asset Inventory
ImageThe Tourism Asset Inventory consists of identified assets in our tourism product mix, compiled to more easily identify and market our tourism assets to visitors. The tourism gaps also identified in the inventory will assist in attracting new investors and help existing businesses adapt their scope to fully meet visitor expectations. The Tourism Asset Inventory will form the foundation of an Event Planning Guide, under development, which will bring participants, spectators, and other visitors to our community.
Tourism Asset Inventory - Image
100 Mile House is the commercial and service hub for a year-round population of 15,000 residents, rising to nearly double that in the summer months, as seasonal property owners and vacationers arrive. The communities we service are diverse. They include: 108 Mile Ranch, Lac la Hache, Forest Grove, 70 Mile House, Lone Butte, Bridge Lake, Horse Lake, and Canim Lake, among others.
Services locally available include:- Industrial support services supplying the forest, agriculture, and resource economy
- Commercial services for area residents consisting of small and medium sized businesses and local organizations
- Health services including a hospital, doctors, dentists, and a full range of other health care professionals
- Professional services including accountants, lawyers, engineers, surveyors, tax specialists, bankers, teachers, daycares, employment specialists
- Government services, encompassing federal, provincial and local government
- Recreation services for residents and visiting adventure seekers
There are ample opportunities for additional retail, professional, healthcare, recreation, and transportation services in 100 Mile House, and available employment in nearly every sector. Our Official Community Plan also highlights an opportunity for a truck stop with a range of services catering to the trucking industry.
The three largest operational mines in the general area include: Highland Valley Copper Mine (Teck Resources Limited); New Afton (New Gold Inc.) and Gibraltar Mine (Taseko Mines Limited). The Mount Polley Mine (Imperial Metals Corporation) is currently on care and maintenance, awaiting sustained higher copper prices. In addition to these, there are several other significant and active mining projects underway within a 1.5 hour radius of 100 Mile House. Local deposits include: copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel, cobalt and industrial minerals. Most of this local mining activity is in the early exploration stage, with some properties commencing a drilling program in 2020, and others continuing drilling exploration into a second decade.
As well as some smaller claims, some of the notable active projects are: Lac La Hache Property (Engold Mines Ltd.); Fox Tungsten (Happy Creek Minerals Ltd.); Yellowhead copper project (Taseko Mines Limited); Spanish Mountain Gold (Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd.); FG Gold (Kore Mining Ltd. spin out company Karus Gold Corp.); Woodjam Copper (Consolidated Woodjam Copper Corp.); Blackdome-Elizabeth gold project (Tempus Resources Ltd.), and the New Prosperity Project (Taseko).
100 Mile House is well positioned to provide labour, goods & services to these projects. In several cases, we have noticed the economic impacts already of providing these inputs to operational and exploration phased mining projects in the area.The South Cariboo is home to numerous resort lakes, mountain bike trails, Mt. Timothy Ski area, 100 Mile Nordics Club, 100 Mile Wranglers, ATV, snowmobile, mountain bike and motocross clubs, hiking, fishing, curling, hockey, and a huge range of other recreational activities. Plus, you can make your own recreation like horseback riding, kayaking, and camping. The recreation opportunities are nearly endless.
We also have an active performing arts sector, visual arts, and a wide range of home-based artisans including potters, quilters, photographers, painters, and many more, some of whom are featured in Parkside Art Gallery.
For all investment related inquiries, please contact:
Joanne Doddridge - Director of Economic Development and Planning
Office: (250) 395-2434 Fax: (250) 395-3625
Email : jdoddridge@100milehouse.com
Address: PO Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0