The District of 100 Mile House, (along with The Cariboo Regional District) uses VoyentAlert! as its platform for emergency alerts and notifications. This service is free, easy to use, and - most importantly - secure. With this system, we can provide access to trusted, timely, and accurate information about emergency incidents impacting your property.
To be notified when disaster strikes, you need to sign up for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System.
Our emergency notification system works across multiple devices. You can be notified on your mobile device, computer, or landline when an emergency impacts you. Download the VoyentAlert! app through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to directly manage your information and receive push notifications through the app.
Register here for VoyentAlert!
Already have an account? Login to manage your contact and notification information

Your contact information will not be shared and will only be used by your local government for notification purposes. We will not give or sell your contact or location information to any vendor or other organization.
The Emergency Notification System, powered by VoyentAlert, serves Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD), Quesnel, and Wells. This system is managed by each local government for their respective areas.