The District of 100 Mile House Economic Development Office focuses on steady community growth and economic development that results from continued support of local business and industry. We engage in activities that support business retention and expansion, as well as resident, visitor, and business attraction initiatives – all while maintaining an exceptional quality of life for our residents.
100 Mile House has a remarkably wide range of businesses which support a bustling local economy that is undergoing transition from primarily forestry sector to more diversified economic sectors, including recreation and tourism, agriculture, and others.
Come do business with us. We are the heart of the South Cariboo.

Map credit: Shane Doddridge
For all investment related inquiries, please contact:
Joanne Doddridge - Director of Economic Development & Planning
Office: (250) 395-2434 Fax: (250) 395-3625
Address: PO Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0