South Cariboo Regional Housing Assessment Results
Calibrate Assessments Ltd. presented highlights from a South Cariboo housing needs assessment on behalf of both the CRD and the District of 100 Mile House at the Cariboo Regional District April 29 board meeting. The regional report for the South Cariboo was prepared in partnership between the District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District to meet the 2019 B.C. legislative obligations for local governments to collect data, analyze trends and present reports that describe current and anticipated housing needs.
“The South Cariboo has become popular with seasonal residents who also live in the Lower Mainland of BC and beyond. These tourists and seasonal visitors visit, fall in love with the area, and eventually move to the region. This joint housing critical needs assessment is exactly what we need to inform planning, provide alternative housing options and partnerships that will meet the needs of our current and new residents” said Chair Margo Wagner.
In 2021, the consultant, Calibrate Assessments Ltd., conducted several face-to-face open houses and an online survey in the four areas of District of 100 Mile House, Electoral Areas G (108 Mile, Lac La Hache), H (Forest Grove/Mahood) and L (Interlakes). The unique perspectives of residents through the community engagement are presented within the report. Thorough analysis of other data from Statistics Canada, BC Stats, and BC Assessment was reviewed to assist with key recommendations.
“The District of 100 Mile House is the key service area for the South Cariboo and the demand to reside in this area has increased. It is imperative that we have some future solutions to our housing needs for all residents that can be jointly acted upon. This report provides some key findings and some innovative solutions that can assist us in meeting our regional housing challenges” indicated Mayor Mitch Campsall.
One of the most telling results of the report was that 23% of respondents to the survey stated that they are struggling to pay for housing. As the area has an ageing population there were several recommendations identified to support seniors in their current homes while developing appropriate housing for transitioning needs and expanding access to services for those need.
Five distinct challenges were identified which were rapid increases in housing prices making it difficult for people to enter the market, shortage of rental properties, shortage of suitable housing for downsizing seniors, emerging homelessness issues, and lack of building trades which in turn increases costs and time it takes to build or renovate in the area.
The recommendations were grouped according to the five challenge areas and looked at zoning flexibility, incentives to builders, different types of housing, housing-first initiatives, supports for seniors to stay in their homes longer, transportation options and other solutions. Some are more long-term, while others start to address immediate needs or buy time while longer-term solutions are being reviewed.
To View the full report:
South Cariboo Housing Needs Assessment Report
Housing Needs Report - Summary Form